How Long Does A Weed High Last?


How Long Does A Weed High Last?

-July 16, 2020

How long does a weed high last? You can experience having a weed high when taking in cannabis. It usually begins when the drugs reach your bloodstream. A weed high can cause your body to alter physical details about yourself. Once it kicks in, you may expect to experience the following effects: red eyes, poor muscle coordination, a delay in reaction time, increased liveliness, and increase in appetite.

Time It Takes for Weed to Kick In

The effects kick in depending on the method of consumption of cannabis. The different ways of consuming weed are through smoking or vaping, eating edibles, and dabbing. These various practices of ingesting marijuana all have distinctive times on when the drug kicks in. Scientifically, you can explain the inconsistency of the time by checking how long it would take for the drug to reach the bloodstream through the method of consumption.

Smoking weed only takes up a small period for it to kick in since it has the same state as air and directly enters the bloodstream so that you can feel a weed high within two minutes.

When consuming edibles, you’ll notice that it takes longer than any other method. For it to kick in, it usually takes up 30 minutes to two hours. Since it has to be eaten, it takes up a prolonged onset to feel the edibles’ effect.
Dabbing, a form of inhalation, is used with a bong or a particular pipe and is the most direct manner of having a weed high. Weed is inhaled, and it immediately reaches your bloodstream.

How Long Does A Weed High Last?

A weed high can last for two hours up to 10 hours, and just like the differences of onset when it kicks in, the duration of a weed high is also different through the unique ways of consumption. It depends on various diverse factors such as the amount of use, the amount of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) the product contains, the consumer’s tolerance and metabolism, the consumer’s body weight and body fat percentage and whether the consumer has an empty or full stomach before taking in weed.

Having a weed high through smoking cannabis can last up to one to three hours or more, and can have residual effects for five hours or more.

Taking up edibles and experiencing a weed high has a duration of three to nine hours. Edibles give consumers a “body high.” Edibles can take up a prolonged onset for the consumer to feel high, so it is more accessible to re-dose and a bit faster to overdose.
Inhaling weed and going through a weed high can last for about one to three hours, but when you inhale a type of cannabis with a high THC concentrate, you can feel high for the whole day.

How to Extend a Weed High

Extending a weed high is more frequent when dealing with edibles. A weed high can have an extension through the so-called technique of re-dosing. Re-dosing is done by taking in more of the drug to have a longer weed high. If re-dosing doesn’t satisfy your needs, you can try a new type of drug that contains a higher content of THC. When upgrading your THC level, you will experience greater effects of the drug.

Some people suggest that you take drugs while drinking alcohol. This isn’t a good suggestion for people with low tolerance or to those who are new to taking medications because it heightens the intensity of THC. By mixing alcohol and drugs, you might have a weed hangover. A weed hangover is a little less more intense than an alcohol hangover since it is suggestively more tolerable than other illnesses. It includes fatigue (a feeling of extreme tiredness), lethargy (state of sleepiness and inactivity), brain fog (lack of focus), dry eyes and mouth, headaches, and as well as mild nausea. The causes of a weed hangover are taking in drugs and alcohol at the same time, and the lingering effects of consuming cannabis.

How to End a Weed High Faster

Sometimes, ending a weed high isn’t possible, but reducing the effects must be a better sentence. You still might experience the residual effects of weed. Here are some suggestions on how to end a high plant faster:


Taking a nap or sleeping while having a weed high can shorten the effects of cannabis. It helps you relax your body and help it process and eliminate some effects. You’ll feel slightly better after waking up.

CBD (Cannabinoid)

CBD or cannabidiol counters the reason for THC and is a natural enemy of THC. THC is the reason you’re high when taking cannabis, while CBD can calm down THC. It helps in calming down the heart rate as THC makes the heart rate higher than usual.

Food and Water

Food and water can reduce the effects of a weed high because it can help metabolize the THC faster. Studies have shown that eating more food with higher fat can help reduce the results as well as any other diet out there because it helps in coping with the brain to keep the body more sensible and robust against the weed.

Tips for First-Timers

First-timers like you are probably confused on what to do to avoid a weed high or anything about marijuana high, so here are tips for newbies who are experiencing a pot high.

1. Have your Preference

Everyone has different tolerances and different experiences. What might be best for them might not be the best for you, so you have to have your preference. Having your choice means you know what you take and how much you make.

2. Avoid Mixing

Mixing weed with other drugs like psychedelics, 2C-X, Amphetamines, Cocaine, DMT, LSD, and allergy meds is highly undesirable. This will only bring you a higher intensity of weed high and have other adverse effects that can send you to the emergency room. Other drugs can be mixed with a plant that has a lower intensity of danger, but combining them with weed is still dangerous.

3. Check your Schedule

When taking in weed, make sure that you don’t have any critical events scheduled the next day. Take drugs when you have a few days off when you’re on vacation or an extended holiday. Having a weed high is unconventional while working. Your senses and brain energy will be slightly laggy because of the weed high, and your performance in work will be affected.

4. Check the THC Level

The THC level of a drug should be considered before you take it. The THC level determines how intense your weed high can get. For beginners, you should check your tolerance from the bottom level to higher because this will be for your benefit. Don’t take too much if you don’t know how to handle it yet, and it applies not only to beginners but to all weed-consumers.

A weed high is an experience of body-altering effects when the drugs reach your bloodstream. Generally, you can have a weed high instantly to two hours max. It can last up to hours or even a day considering the THC level. You can extend a weed high through re-dosing or upgrading by taking up a drug with a higher THC level. Reducing a weed high can be done through different methods like sleeping, eating and drinking water, and taking CBD.

To avoid unconventional weed hangovers, you should know your preference, avoid mixing weed with other drugs, check your schedule, and check the THC level. After reading this article, you already know information about a plant high like what a weed high is, how long before it kicks in, how long does a weed high last, how to extend and end a pot high, and even know different tips when taking in drugs! Think about a win-win situation! It is very important to stay safe even if you’re out of your element!

